Our Kiko Bucks and Bucklings

Including sale bucks and bucklings

CNK Baby Boomer - twin
March 23, 2024 Boomer grandson, will be introduced next year. We’re so excited about this massive moonspot buck! DRG Moonwalker x CNK Sandspurry - twin

SIE-E07 Nickname Boomerang. Sire, Hot Pocket
This buck is hands down the best sire we ever had, our founding sire. All his does are kidding machines, great moms, great temperaments, hardy, easy to handle. We have a direct daughter, and some fabulous grands.

FPR Sorrel
Young Boomer grandson, current sire, an easy buck to handle, friendly. His babies ths year are spectacular.

DRG Ghost Rider’s Moonwalker, massively built buck, a tank, sire to many of this years babies.

HSR Buckwheat. Buckwheat is sire to many of our does. He was massive and tall, a triplet, and a sweet soul to have around.

CNK Doros Sage
June, 2024 LPR Dorothy x FPR Sorrel
Twin, 100% NZ